Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Is The Ferber Method Cruel Why Do People Think The Ferber Method/sleep Training Is Cruel?

Why do people think the Ferber method/sleep training is cruel? - is the ferber method cruel

Or those who have used these methods are "lazy" / "means" / etc? In the development of my daughter was ready (up to four months, is intended for infants that is different), and had proved he could go to sleep on their own, but not because it was based on crutches to bed, we decided that the Ferber method try. It was not as bad as the forum of the pregnancy made it happen. In contrast, encompasses a lot of working parents. Do not let the baby "cry alone in despair / etc" To work around, you must establish a consistent routine, if the story / bathroom / food, then she sat down in the crib drowsy but awake. Of course, the baby grunts, screams, and engaging, but ultimately, the child learns to close his eyes and sleep. It makes parents aware of your baby's cry to decipher and learn what is Protestant, pain, and when my seven months old baby to sleep alone, and also travel throughout the night and rarely cries now



I think some people have trouble hearing your baby cry. They think their baby is crying for the anger and hatred. This is not the case. You should know that the baby cries because he is tired and needs sleep. When the baby after he was asleep in his arms, then the baby woke up crying, asking where their parents. It is cruel to me. If we teach our children to sleep on their own, we teach is right when they awake in their cribs. We teach to sleep when he wakes up in the middle of the night.

It's funny, because friends and family surprised that my children do not sleep protests.

ETA: I think it's funny that you mention Dr. Sears. It was not until Dr. Phil and Dr. Phil, and he does not agree with many things, he said, stop crying like a baby. Dr. Phil also believes that cooperation to sleep badly. I think Dr . Sears only write books for at-risk mothers to tell them what they want to hear. It is very sad.

pattypuf... said...

I do not know. I used it for my first baby on the recommendation of my doctor 2 months. It is like crying just let your baby until he lost consciousness, but those of us who used the method to learn the truth.

baby_sav... said...

The way I described, it seems cruel. If your baby is enouh old, cries out for a short time will not harm their development.

But it seems that many people try to use this method in newborns, if they have not evolved to calm abitlity the "self-regulation". In addition, many people simply let their children cry nonstop for long periods. Both are in contrast to their natural feelings as a mother, so I reject it.

Personally, I gave you something like that - if my child was 3 1 / 2 months and it was obvious that he could go to sleep alone, I would go through their bedtime routine and then I say 10 minutes in protest -- , which is usually about 5 minutes. If you are still awake in the last 10 minutes, which is not likely to sleep.

eruff8 said...

I just want to say that I think is a method of bringing up children, and if what you're doing it wrong well. I know of parents who done this way and their children are doing fine.

cinnycin... said...

I think most people believe that a good mother would not let your baby cry. Or perhaps do not understand the method.

whatelse... said...

I have not tried it myself, or the necessity of the measure. But a different place at different places, it seems that some parents, the baby cry it out and leave no information about the duration, etc ... This makes it sounds cruel.

Tricky... said...

Recent research has shown that babies and young children safer and happier after the formation of dreams. The Ferber method is the old way of training, promotes the attatchments to sleep for you and your baby. End of a baby to exhaustion just mourn, it makes you feel that it is not no longer worthwhile. Do not let my child cries constantly and they are all large, independent sleepers almost sleepless nights preparing. But if it is ok for you.

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